I cant believe I am having to write this, we have known each other for 30 years and had so many laughs I'll always remember how you always called me dopey and I called you an old tart, I shall so miss our random texts, and calls, teasing each other over football your rubbish Newcastle and my superb liverpool, remember my lovely you shall always be in my heart, until we meet again xxx
20th July 2023
I have know Neil for about 28 years we lost contact but when he started working back on the busses the first time we started talking again we messaged each other all the time had a couple dates then he worked on the taxi when he used to pick me up when I needed a cab for work then he went back on the busses but we still kept in contact the last message I had of him was he was going to move to London I said why he said for a fresh start I am gonna miss him a lot r.I.p my darling love Sam xxxxxx
Sam cullen
19th July 2023
Thank you for setting up this memorial to Neil.
We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by David Button Funeral Director on 19/07/2023